Our extensive list of Sphynx Cat breeders below are sure to have Sphynx kittens for sale.
For the sake of the kitten and yourself, please do ensure that you buy a kitten from a reputable cat breeder.
The Canadian Sphynx has become a very popular cat and as a result, a plethora of unethical kitten mills and backyard cat breeders posing as bona fide cat breeders have started 'cashing-in'.
Visit the cattery, ask to look at
the 'parent cats' and be sure to review the contract.
Committed Sphynx breeders generally interview prospective cat owners to confirm that the Sphynx cat is suitable for the new home.
This is not a low maintenance cat as it requires daily grooming and skin care. These darlings are exclusive indoor cats so you do need to ensure that you have the appropriate home environment.
To confirm that the Sphynx cat breed is ideal for you, your home
environment and your lifestyle, do take a look at this profile on Sphynx Cats
- it provides information related to the breed, its characteristics,
personality and much more.
Sphynx Cat Breeders - Australia
New South Wales |
sphynxomsae.com |
Omsae Cattery |
Queensland |
sphynxstar.webs.com |
Sphynx Star |
alchemy-cats.webs.com |
Alchemy Sphynx Cats | |
barebeautiessphynx.com |
Barebeauties Sphynx | |
sphynx-devon.com |
Manis Cattery | |
Victoria |
shahnoorsphynx.com |
Shahnoor Sphynx |
inthmatrxsphynxcats.com |
Inthmatrx Sphynx | |
Western Australia |
australiansphynx.com |
OzSphynx |
Sphynx Breeders - Canada
Alberta |
foreveryourscattery.com |
Foreveryours Cattery |
Alberta | skinisincattery.com |
Skinisin Cattery |
British Columbia |
addictedtosphynx.com |
Addicted to Sphynx |
Ontario |
savannasphynx.com |
Savanna Sphynx |
Ontario |
beesocattery.com |
Beeso Cattery |
Ontario |
prettybaldsphynx.com |
Pretty Bald Sphynx |
Sphynx Cattery - Europe / Asia
Belgium |
Zeropelagio | |
Bulgaria |
sphynxbg.com |
Naked Beauty Sphynx Cattery |
Italy |
goccedizaffiro.eu |
Gocce di Zaffiro |
Japan |
Beauty Exotica | |
Russia |
so-lovely-cat.com |
So Lovely Sphynx Cattery |
Russia |
Baby Joy Sphynx Cattery | |
Russia |
Brio Sphynx Cattery | |
Russia |
solyariscat.com |
Solyaris Sphynx Cattery |
Russia |
Amore Mew Sphynx Cattery |
Sphynx Cat Breeders - South Africa
Eastern Cape |
taldi.co.za |
Taldi Cattery |
Eastern Cape |
jacqueline[at]netsurfers.co.za |
Muggleborns Sphynx Cattery |
Gauteng |
Disal Sphynx | |
Gauteng |
burlesquesphynx.co.za |
Burlesque Sphynx |
Gauteng |
charon[at]sphynxmooncatz.co.a |
MoonCatz |
Gauteng |
wilmahyman[at]telkomsa.net |
Spandau Cattery |
Gauteng |
claudettedtt[at]gmail.com |
Furless |
Kwa Zulu Natal |
kathyskitties.vpweb.co.nz |
Nakit Sphynx |
Northern Cape |
Vande Bald Sphynx | |
Western Cape |
sphynx.co.za |
Exposed Sphynx Cattery |
Sphynx Kittens for Sale - United Kingdom
Bedfordshire |
rexivel.webs.com |
Rexivel Sphynx |
phatpaws.com |
Phatpaws | |
Devon |
nocoaton.co.uk |
NoCoatOn |
Lancashire |
nudedudes.co.uk |
Nudedudes |
London | blancanieves-sphynx.co.uk | Blancanieves Sphynx |
North London |
infurnosphynx.co.uk |
Infurno Sphynx |
Norfolk |
Ramilypan Sphynx | |
Scotland |
riojasphynx.co.uk |
Rioja Sphynx |
South Yorkshire |
bossladysphynx.co.uk |
Boss Lady Sphynx |
Wales |
sphynx-stoneyhill.co.uk |
Stoney Hill Sphynx |
Sphynx Cat Breeders - United States of America
Alabama |
lelamitie.net |
Le L'Amitie |
Alaska |
greatsphynx.com |
Great Sphynx |
Arizona |
royallynaked.net |
Royal Naked Sphynx |
sphynxcatz.com |
Free Range Sphynx | |
satinkitty.com |
Satin Kitty | |
baremews.com |
BareMews Sphynx | |
desertsphynx.com |
Desert Sphynx | |
California |
kikapoosphynx.com |
Kikapoo Sphynx |
hooligansphynx.com |
Hooligan Sphynx | |
ocsphynx.com |
O C Sphynx | |
barenakedkitty.com |
Bare Naked Kitty | |
dare2b-baresphynx.com |
Dare2B Bare Sphynx | |
cattablanca.com |
Catta Blanca | |
Colorado |
bemisu.com |
Bemisu Sphynx |
bareskinsphynx.com |
Bare Skin Sphynx | |
Florida |
LilNudists Sphynx and Bambino Cattery | |
sunpinesphynx.com |
Supine Sphynx | |
sphynx.us.com |
NadaSphynx | |
sphynxdevonrexkittens.com |
Adoraelves Cattery | |
hadakatsphynx.com |
Hadakat Sphynx | |
hapajo.com |
Hapajo Sphynx | |
chateaubare.com |
Chateau Bare Sphynx | |
Georgia |
skinzin.com |
Skinzin Sphynx |
baldfantasea.com |
Baldfantasea Sphynx | |
faithfullovesphynx.webs.com |
Faithfullove Sphynx | |
Idaho |
barebootysphynx.com |
Bare Bootys Sphynx |
Indiana |
wrinklesoflove.com |
Wrinkles of Love |
nairyahair.com |
Nairy Ahair Sphynx |
Sphynx Breeders - United States of America
Kentucky |
Abeitagatos Cattery | |
Louisiana |
aunaturelsphynx.com |
Au Naturel Sphynx |
cestboncattery.20m.com |
Cest Bon Cattery | |
skinsationsphynx.com |
Skinsation Sphynx | |
Maryland |
destynysphynx.com |
Destyny Sphynx |
randazzlemesphynx.com |
RandazzleMe Sphynx | |
rosesphynx.com |
Rose aka Rose Nude Sphynx | |
Michigan |
enchantedlairsphynx.com |
Enchanted Lair Sphynx |
Minnesota |
katteycasa.com |
Kattey Casa Sphynx |
Mississippi |
thinksphynx.weebly.com |
Think Sphynx Cattery |
Nebraska |
indabuff.biz |
Indabuff Sphynx |
sphynxdream.com |
Omorfosgatos | |
Nevada |
nakedkitties.com |
NakedKitties |
New Jersey |
planetnudessphynx.com |
Planet Nudes Sphynx |
nocoatkitty.com |
NoCoatKitty | |
New York |
littlenakedangelz.webs.com |
NakedAngelz Cattery |
madicats.com |
Madicats Sphynx | |
North Carolina |
wizardgate.org |
WizardGate |
b-bald.com |
B-Bald Sphynx | |
Oregon |
stellaorienssphynx.weebly.com |
Stella Oriens Sphynx |
Pennsylvania |
citizenkat.com |
Citizenkat Sphynx |
sunshinekittykatz.com |
Sunshine Kitty Katz |
Sphynx Kittens for Sale - United States of America
Tennessee |
gobblesgobblins.com |
Gobbles Gobblins Sphynx Cattery |
Texas |
sapphiresphynx.com |
Sapphire Sphynx Cattery |
bemisu.com |
Bemisu Cattery | |
theatomickitty.com |
The Atomic Kitty Sphynx Cattery | |
Utah |
purrbalds.com |
Purrbalds Cattery |
Virginia |
greatsphynx.com |
The Great Sphynx |
aquariusphynx.com |
Aquarius Sphynx | |
Washington State |
peachkins.com |
Peachkins Sphynx |
ankhamun.com |
Ankhamun Sphynx | |
nudistcampsphynx.com |
NudistCamp Sphynx | |
West Virginia |
kaylazsphynxcatz.com |
Kaylaz Sphynx Catz |
Wisconsin |
sphynx-cattery.com |
Scheherazadectz |
Related Pages:
Sphynx Cat Breeders are welcome to contact us for a listing.
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Sphynx Cat Photos Courtesy of:
© Theresa Fouche Photography
Top: Vande Bald Paddington - Black Harlequin Sphynx male neuter. Owner: Sue Eddey, Breeder: Suzette vd Berg of Vande Bald's
Center: Spandau Domino Dancer; Breeder: Wilma Hyman of Spandau Sphynx
© Andre Young Photography
Bottom: Solid Black Sphynx Thandie - Disal Cattery - Elizabeth Swart