The domestic cats facts pages includes information about the cat's features and characteristics which will assist you in identifying your kitty and help you choose your ideal color cat.
There are facts about the cat's personality and temperament and whether the cat is suitable for children.
Naturally no review would be complete without breed specific health issues, cat care and grooming tips.
Some cats need special diets and we have included this information too.
Nice-to-know info like the cat's life expectancy and ideal weight.
Abyssinian an athletic and energetic cat |
American Bobtail gorgeous, rare short-tailed cat |
American Curl unique, curly-eared cat |
American Shorthair robust and hardy cat |
American Wirehair crimped or rexed coated domestic cats |
Australian Mist aka the Spotted Mist cat |
Balinese Cat longhaired Oriental or Javanese |
Bambino dwarf, hairless cat breed |
Bengal hybrid breed |
Birman semi-longhaired, blue-eyed cat |
Bombay black domestic 'panther' |
British Shorthair gracious and calm companion |
Burmese the energetic 'Rajah' cat |
Burmilla boisterous and loving |
Californian Spangled spotted domestic cats |
Chartreux ancient blue cat |
Chausie hybrid breed 'Jungle Cat' |
Cornish Rex wavy-coated, rexed cat |
Cymric tailless, longhaired Manx |
Devon Rex wavy coated cat with 'pixie-look' |
Don Sphynx aka the Donskoy or Russian hairless cat |
Dwelf dwarf hairless cat with curled ears |
Egyptian Mau ancient, naturally spotted cat |
Exotic Shorthair the teddy bear cat or short-haired Persian cat |
Genetta dwarf breed in development |
Japanese Bobtail cat's with pompom tails |
Javanese a semi-longhaired Oriental cat |
Kinkalow a dwarf cat with curly ears |
Korat the 'Si-Sawat' blue cat |
Kurilian Bobtail short-tailed domestic cats |
Lambkin dwarf cat with curly coat |
La Perm a curly-coated cat |
Levkoy hairless cat with folded ears |
Maine Coon the largest domestic cat |
Manx a short-tailed or tailless cat |
Minskin dwarf hairless cat |
Munchkin the original short-legged cat |
Napoleon a short-legged cat |
Nebelung a longhaired Russian Blue |
Norwegian Forest large, semi-longhaired cat |
Ocicat spotted cat |
Oriental Shorthair elegant Oriental beauty |
Persian popular, longhaired cat |
Peterbald new hairless cat breed |
Pixie Bob short-tailed cat |
Ragamuffin READ MORE (coming soon) |
Ragdoll large, semi-longhaired cat |
Russian Blue a natural blue cat |
Safari Cat READ MORE (coming soon) |
Savannah hybrid cat breed |
Scottish Fold a cat with folded ears |
Selkirk Rex the shaggy-coated cat |
Serengeti hybrid cat with no 'wild blood' |
Siamese the 'Royal Cat of Siam' |
Siberian Forest semi-longhaired cat |
Singapura smallest registered cat breed |
Skookum dwarf cat with curly hair |
Snowshoe a playful and lively cat |
Sokoke a natural cat breed |
Somali a longhaired Abyssinian cat |
Sphynx the Canadian hairless cat |
Tonkinese mink-coated cat |
Toyger a tiger look-a-like |
Turkish Van ancient, longhaired cat breed |
This valuable information will assist you in selecting the right breed and keeping your cat healthy.
Related Pages:
Cat Breed Info for information on different cat breeds and information on the care of cats.
Top of Domestic Cats Page
Our thanks to the Photographers, Breeders and Owners for sharing their magnificent cat pictures with us:
Theresa Fouché
© Abyssinian, Birman, British Shorthair, Burmese, Cornish Rex, Exotic Shorthair, La Perm. Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, Oriental Shorthair, Persian, Peterbald, Munchkin, Somali, Sphynx, Tonkinese
Helmi Flick
© Bambino, Lambkin, Kinkalow, Napoleon, Safari, Toyger
Tetsu (via Animal Photography and Breeder)
© American Bobtail, American Wirehair, Balinese
Irene McCullagh
© American Curl, Egyptian Mau, Ragdoll, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold
Sarah Thexton
© Bengal, Devon Rex, Singapura, Turkish Van
Robert Fox
© Australian Mist, Korat, Selkirk Rex
Larry Johnson
© American Shorthair, Japanese Bobtail
Preston Smith
© Javanese
Claire Lovell
© Burmilla, Bombay
Agent Cats
© Savannah
Alan Robinson
© Pixie Bob
Kelly Tanner of Kelshamanx
© Cymric, Manx
Karen Sausman
© Serengeti
Mariko Florez
© Chausie
Emilee McCurley
© Dwelf
Bernard Boucher
© Nebelung
Hot Country's Ocicat
© Ocicat
Kaerik Rags
Mr Gorgon of Studio Go
© Snowshoe
rare cats