Great Pictures of Ragdoll Cats
Take a look at this gallery of beautiful pictures of Ragdoll cats if you are planning to adopt a kitten. 'Rags', as their owners affectionately call them, are substantial cats and along with the Maine Coon, are considered one of the largest domestic cats.
The pictures of Ragdoll cats below provide some fine examples of the different pointed colors and patterns. Before you make the final decision, we do recommend that you visit the chapter that provides in depth information regarding their features, characteristics and important tips on cat nutrition, grooming longhaired cats and possible health concerns. As there are many myths surrounding the breed, you may want to establish the truth before taking the plunge!
Ragdoll Cats - valuable facts and information for potential cat owners
Ragdoll Cat - History and the myths surrounding the cat breed

Above Cat Photos Courtesy of
© Sarah Thexton of

Above Pictures of Cats Courtesy of
Melissa J Pearce

Above Cat Photos Courtesy of
© Irene McCullagh of
Apart from their good looks they have wonderful personalities. Words like laid-back, relaxed, carefree, gentle, calm, placid, mellow, peaceful, quiet and restful perfectly describe this cat breed. No, they are not lazy couch potatoes, they just prefer to do things at their own pace and when they're in the mood, can be very playful. If you're looking for a loving, loyal and attentive mate, then the Ragdoll cat will be perfect for you.
Related Cat Pages:
Ragdoll Cats for Sale - international cat breeder directory
Our Ragdoll Cats Pictures are Courtesy of:
© Sarah Thexton of
1 - 3. Ragdolls Ivo Huisman of Waterlee Cattery -
4. Waterlee Moonshine - Ragdoll Owner: Natalie Parry Breeder: Ivo Huisman
Melissa J Pearce
5. Blue Bi-Color Ragdoll
6. Blue Lynx Bi-Color Ragdoll
7. Blue Lynx Bi-Color Ragdoll
8. Seal Mitted Ragdoll
9. Seal Bi-Color Ragdoll
© Irene McCullagh of
10. Ragdoll
11. Ragdoll