Welcome to our Kurilian Bobtail cat directory for breeders of Kurilian Bobtail kittens?
We always recommend that you find a reputable cat breeder, one that specializes in one specific breed and who is registered with or belongs to a recognized cat club.
There has been an increase in the number of backyard cat breeders who breed kittens purely for monetary gain and do not adhere to health and breed standards. You need to avoid them at all costs.
We urge you to do research on the breeder.
The Kurilian Bobtail cat or Kunashir cat is considered a new cat breed. Whilst it was first identified in the 50's, it wasn't until the late 90's that the breed was recognized by cat associations.
Do visit this comprehensive profile on the Kurilian Bobtail cat which provides all the necessary cat information any potential cat owner will need to know.
Kurilian Bobtail Kittens - Europe and Asia
Belgium |
kurilkot.com |
Kurilkot Cattery |
Czech Republic |
kurilianbobtail.cz/plemeno.html |
Kurilian Bobtail |
volny.cz/agharta-cz |
Agharta | |
aksarahbhutanianglicky.estranky.cz |
Aksarah Bhutani | |
Denmark |
jeatri.dk |
Jea Tri's Kurilian Bobtail |
korzhik.dk |
KorZhik Kurilians |
Finland |
cherrytails.fi |
Fin Cherrytails |
Germany |
kurilische-katzen.de |
Cattery der Schatz der Kurilen |
Lithuania |
goldenlook.eu |
Golden Look |
Sweden |
kurileanbobtail.dinstudio.se |
Se*Kot-à-Kuril |
Russia |
cat.my-sao.ru |
Ainu Makan Cattery |
kurilian.ru |
Barrayar Kurilian Cattery | |
siberiafrost.ru |
SiberiaFrost Cattery | |
superbob.ru |
SuperBob Kurilian Bob Cattery | |
adamant-cattery.ru |
Adamant Cattery | |
kurilcats.ru |
Akkari Ainu | |
zik-zvezdniy.narod.ru |
Zik-Svezdniy |
Kurilian Bobtail Cat Breeders - United States of America
Florida |
SunnyKurilians[at]msn.com |
SunnyKurilians |
Maine |
kurilianbobtails.com |
OrchidBobs |
New York |
ainucattery.com |
Ainu Cattery |
For information on other bobtailed or short-tailed cats please visit our page that includes detailed information on all types of cats.
Breeds with short tails include the Manx, the Japanese Bobtail the Pixie Bob and of course the American Bobtail cat. The gene that causes the mutation is different in each case.
Related Pages:
Kurilian Bobtail Cat Breeders are welcome to contact us for a listing.
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